Mosaical Metrology
· 3D Decalogue
· 2D Alphabet ·
Kabbalah · Pyramid Builders · Israelite Dynasty · Western Philosophy ·
Musical Theory ·
Metzler Formula · Mosaical Religions
What Christian Theology calls Old Testament Science has so far shown
a rather hostile interdisciplinary relationship with Jurisprudence regarding my successful
reconstruction of the Tablets of the Law. Since a
demythologizing side-effect is inevitable after a legal scientist finds out all about the tablets in
the Holy of Holies of the Temple in
Jerusalem, this is quite understandable.
Fortunately, formatting the Tablets of the Law represents a design problem of experimental
Archaelology, which Moses solved almost 3500 years ago. Their weight had to be neither too heavy nor too light to be
carried in a coffin-like box by several men. Its measurements and those of the tablets use the
numbers 3, 4, and 5 divided by two in order to get right
angles (Exodus 25, 10 = 37, 1).
An important new fact for the Epigraphy and Palaeography of the Alphabet, my work on the Tablets of the Law proves that
they were, indeed, the first legal document in the Original
Alphabet after its invention by Moses in 1441 B.C.E., and the Bible is the oldest
collection of alphabetic literature that grew around them, see my bookTORAH OF THE ALPHABET (English
1984) pp.17-18.
The Tablets of the Law were written in 10
boustrophedon lines or Sephirot of 32 letters each. I rediscovered this information in the
Sepher Yetzirah, one of the most ancient sources of Jewish mysticism known as Kabbalah.
Hence it is but a mystification of the graphical details of the Mosaical Tablets of the Law, cf.
Ed Metzler, Discovering the Mosaical Roots of
Kabbalah (Herborn 1988).
Music is named after the Muses, but
whatever Moses had to do with music was
unknown. After my discovery of the 3D structure of the Ten
Commandments, I was able to prove that Pythagoras owed his geometry as well as
his religion and musical theory to the Jews, as was
claimed by Hermippus of Smyrna, see Ed Metzler, The Mosaical Roots of
European Musical
Theory (Herborn 1995).
Visit Shilo, Moziani's
Jewish Heritage Site,
Israels First Capital, and I hope the
Id love to teach Mosaistics at a university, preferably, of course, within the Law
School or Faculty of Law; just email me to
See my books in the catalogue of The
National Library of Israel and the Hebrew University Library in Jerusalem, Israel, and in the official German Books in Print (VLB 1996-98) of the German Booksellers Association.