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 --  Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics (AMMM)
[ Einzeltitel dieses Werks anzeigen ]

Metzler, Ed: Conflict of Laws in the Israelite Dynasty of Egypt
Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics (AMMM), 00002
ISBN 3-924448-09-4, Broschiert, Preis 25,- DM (25,- SFr, 195,- ÖS)

Metzler, Ed: Discovering Mosaistics. Introduction to the Scientific Study of the Law of Moses and Mosaical Antiquity (Mosaistics)
Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics (AMMM), 00001
ISBN 3-924448-08-6, Efalin, Preis 125,- DM (125,- SFr, 975,- ÖS)

Metzler, Ed: Discovering the Israelite Identity of the Pyramid Builders
ISBN 3-924448-07-8, Broschiert, Preis 25,- DM (25,- SFr, 195,- ÖS)

Metzler, Ed: Discovering the Mosaical Roots of Kabbalah
ISBN 3-924448-06-X, Broschiert, Preis 25,- DM (25,- SFr, 195,- ÖS)

Metzler, Ed: Discovering the System of Mosaical Metrology
Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics (AMMM), 00001
ISBN 3-924448-03-5, Broschiert, Preis 25,- DM (25,- SFr, 195,- ÖS)

Metzler, Ed: Discovering the Three-Dimensional Structure of the Ten Commandments
Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics (AMMM), 00001
ISBN 3-924448-04-3, Broschiert, Preis 25,- DM (25,- SFr, 195,- ÖS)

Metzler, Ed: Discovering the Two-Dimensional Structure of the Alphabetical Order
Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics (AMMM), 00001
ISBN 3-924448-05-1, Broschiert, Preis 25,- DM (25,- SFr, 195,- ÖS)

Metzler, Ed: On Mosaical Matrixes and the Metzler Formula
Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics (AMMM), 00002
ISBN 3-924448-12-4, Broschiert, Preis 25,- DM (25,- SFr, 195,- ÖS)

Metzler, Ed: The Impact of Israel on Western Philosophy
Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics (AMMM), 00002
ISBN 3-924448-10-8, Broschiert, Preis 25,- DM (25,- SFr, 195,- ÖS)

Metzler, Ed: The Mosaical Roots of European Musical Theory
Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics (AMMM), 00002
ISBN 3-924448-11-6, Broschiert, Preis 25,- DM (25,- SFr, 195,- ÖS)

Moziani, Eliyahu: Torah des Alphabets oder Kurzlehrbuch der Schreibkunst der Richterzeit Israels (1270-1030)
ISBN 3-924448-30-2, Efalin, Preis 75,- DM (75,- SFr, 585,- ÖS)

Moziani, Eliyahu: Torah des Alphabets oder Kurzlehrbuch der Schreibkunst der Richterzeit Israels (1270-1030)
ISBN 3-924448-00-0, Efalin, Preis 75,- DM (75,- SFr, 585,- ÖS)

Moziani, Eliyahu: Torah of the Alphabet or How the Art of Writing was Taught under theJudges of Israel (1441-1025)
ISBN 3-924448-01-9, Efalin, Preis 75,- DM (75,- SFr, 585,- ÖS)

Moziani, Eliyahu: Torah of the Alphabet or How the Art of Writing was Taught under the Judges of Israel (1441-1025)
ISBN 3-924448-02-7, Efalin, Preis 75,- DM (75,- SFr, 585,- ÖS)

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