Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics, AMMM Vol. II, No.
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In the year 480
after the Exodus of the
children of Israel from Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomons reign over Israel, in the month of Ziv, which is the second month, he began to build the Temple for YaHUH. 1. Kings 6, 1 Mosaical Jurisprudence and the Evolution of God in Mosaical Religions* by Dr. Ed Metzler academic field, which is irrespective of religious beliefs or the lack thereof, as illustrated by blindfolded allegorical representations of Justice. While it may be deemed desirable for a student or professor of theology to believe in the absurdities of religious superstitions, such constraints are –––––––––––––– *Dedicated to the memory of Hans Peter, late professor of Roman Law at the University of Zürich, the first jurist to recognize my work on the Mosaical Tablets of the Law as objects of legal research. [This article was first published in the Internet on September 18, 2008 = Elul 18, 5768 at] [3]
inapplicable to legal scientists, who are perfectly free, and entitled to be religious skeptics, agnostics or atheists as well as religious believers, as long as they do not allow their personal biases to interfere with their professional judgment. For this reason I take pride in the fact that it was not a theologian, but a distinguished jurist, the late Lord Chancellor, the Rt. Hon. Lord Hailsham of St. Marylebone, who wrote a foreword to my last book entitled DISCOVERING MOSAISTICS, Introduction to the Scientific Study of the Law of Moses and Mosaical Antiquity.1) § 2. The two stone Tablets of the Law of the Torah of Moses from the Sinai are bones of contention between theology and jurisprudence: –––––––––––––– 1) Cf. Ed Metzler, DISCOVERING MOSAISTICS, Intro- duction to the Scientific Study of the Law of Moses and Mosaical Antiquity, Cumulative Reprint of AMMM (Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics) vol. 1, nos. 1–5 with forewords by the Rt. Hon. Lord Hailsham of St. Marylebone, KG, CH, FRS, DCL, formerly Lord High Chancellor of England, and by Professor Emeritus Dr. Johann Knobloch, University of Bonn, Germany (Herborn 1989) p. 7, and 192 Note 8: The point is that it was a former judge who discovered all about the Mosaical Tablets of the Law. After all, Moses was not a theologian, but a judge best understood by his brethren on the bench. See below Note 2. [4]
Doubtless Moses was a professional judge who sat on the bench from morning to evening.2) With regard to his Tablets of the Law theologians are judicial laymen.3) Their incompetence prevented them from contributing anything to the research concerning the so-called Ten Commandments on the Tablets of the Law.4) When the box with the two stone tablets was finally deposited, centuries after Moses, in the Holy of Holies of the Temple in Jerusalem their function changed from a legal document into an object of religious worship, as I already wrote in the introduction to –––––––––––––– 2) Cf. Exodus 18, 13-26, Moses sat to judge the people: and the people stood by Moses from the morning to the evening. Since his work load was too heavy, Moses delegated his powers to lower judges over thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens, who judged the people at all seasons: the hard causes they brought unto Moses, but every small matter they judged themselves. Hence Moses organized the judicial structure of the premonarchic period of the Judges of the ancient Republic of Israel. 3) The ![]() their accommodation in the temple almost 500 years after Moses had made them, thus idolizing the very same stone that prohibits idol worship, and naming Israels god YaHUH after its first two words, cf. Ed Metzler, Discovering Mosaistics (N. 1) pp. ![]() Neither Jesus was responsible for his own ![]() Moses for that of his Tablets of the Law, which took place only in the centuries after their death, and violates the ban on idolatry. 4) Theology traditionally, but falsely translates the name of [5]
my book entitled TORAH OF THE ALPHABET, Reconstruction of the 2 Tablets of Moses in the Original Alphabet, which I wrote under the pen-name ELIYAHU MOZIANI.5) from Exodus to Monarchy (1441–961 B.C.E.) § 3. Religion is the opium of the people, according to a great Jewish philosopher, native of Trier (Trèves), Germany, and Moses shared –––––––––––––– the text on the Tablets of the Law of the Torah of Moses as the Ten Commandments, and similarly in other languages. Yet, they are nowhere called the ![]() but the 10 Devarim (Exodus 34, 28), which means the 10 words, literally translated into Greek as decalogue. As I discovered, it refers to the 10 boustrophedon lines on the tablets, cf. Ed Metzler, Discovering Mosaistics (N. 1) p. ![]() [6] |
this negative attitude to religion, as I concluded at an early age from the plain meaning of the so-called Ten Commandments, which prohibit idol worship, that appears so intimately connected with religion.6) For emancipation from slavery is the goal of the Exodus of Israel from Egypt, and of modern proletarian revolutions: The author of the Decalogue describes himself as, I who have led you out of the land of misery (Mitzrayim) i. e. Egypt, out of the house of bondage, or more literally, out of the house of slaves.7) The injunction against any kind of idolatry aims at –––––––––––––– 6) The expression, religion is the opium of the people, is by Karl Marx, Zur Kritik der Hegelschen Rechtsphilosophie, Einleitung, first published in Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher (Paris 1844), i.e. Introduction to A Contribution to the Critique of the Hegelian Philosophy of Law (written at the end of 1843). Christian deification of humans, such as Jesus of Nazareth and his mother as the Mother of God and the Queen of Heaven accompanied by a host of idolized saints as well as the worship of their images in Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches constitutes a continuation of ![]() violation of the Mosaical ban on idolatry. 7) As the opening of the Aeneid, Ille ego qui quondam refers to its author Virgil, the Anokhi Asher Hotzetikha at the incipit of the Decalogue refers to none other than to ![]() author of the Torah teaching of Moses from the Sinai. Concern for the plight of the proletariat is part of the Mosaical heritage of Karl Marx. – In Hebrew Egypt spells Metzarim oppression. [7]
instilling self-respect into the minds of liberated former slaves, so as to shed their slave mentality by learning not to bow down themselves to idols, nor to serve them as slaves.8) § 4. The Decalogue is an ![]() for its ![]() However, the first three words of the so-called Ten Commandments in most Bible translations begin, I am the Lord thy God, whereas the word Elohim God in Early Biblical Hebrew of the Judges of Israel from Moses to Samuel was synonymous with Dayanim judges.9) The –––––––––––––– 8) The ratio legis or legislative intent for the prohibition of making idols, immediately after having escaped from slavery, was to prevent reenslavement by religious fraud and deception: Lo tishtachaweh lahem! Dont bow down to nobody and nothing! Lo taavdem! Dont be a slave, never ever again! (Exodus 20, 5 = Deuteronomy 5, 9); cf. Ed Metzler, The Impact of Israel on Western Philosophy, (Herborn 1993) p. 25 Note ![]() 9) It was an eye-opening ahá-experience, when I learned three decades ago from my teacher, the orthodox rabbi Yehuda Ben Baruch Hakohen Julian Federbusch, to whom I dedicated my book TORAH OF THE ALPHABET (supra Note ![]() word Elohim does ![]() judges, who are to award punitive double damages to the plaintiff, as confirmed by Rashi, and the King James Version. As a jurist, I realized that the word Elohim on the Tablets of the Law must have referred to Moses originally in Early Biblical Hebrew. Even Samuel is still referred to as the ![]() [8]
second word is neither am, which is not there at all, nor the Lord, but the Tetragrammaton or the four-letter name of Israels national God YaHUH (Yahuweh).10) The etymology of YaHUH is not borrowed from any foreign language, but genuinely Israelite in origin, and correctly equated in the Bible with Ehiyeh I shall be, and hence the opening three words of the Decalogue refer to its author Moses, who writes about himself, Anokhi I Ehiyeh shall be your Judge, i. e. the first ![]() –––––––––––––– 10) It gives me shivers to hear ![]() the name of the God of Israel with an air of mistaken complacency as a disyllabic guttural Yakh-weh, while I would much prefer the good old-fashioned Jehovah, not only because his Witnesses so bravely resisted ![]() allows the correct pronunciation of the intervocalic h-sound. That is why I have proposed to render the Tetragrammaton as YaHUH or Yahuweh, cf. TORAH OF THE ALPHABET (N. 5) p. 110; and Ed Metzler, Discovering Mosaistics (N. 1) pp. ![]() 11) We are fortunate to have the biblical etymology of the Tetragrammaton in Exodus 3, 13–15, which obviously was written by an expert of early Hebrew literature and linguistic history, who
*AHUH ![]() of the Decalogue, which gave rise to the proper name of YaHUH. [9]
§ 5. Premonarchic Israel was no theocracy, but an anti-religious secular Republic, whose first self-proclaimed head of state Moses was no God, but Supreme Judge (Elohim) commanding, Thou shalt have no other judges (Elohim) before me. The ancient Republic of Israel, founded in 1441 B.C.E., is the oldest democracy on earth.12) Its constitution, the so-called Ten Commandments written in ![]() each on the two stone Tablets of the Law, was adopted in the Sinai desert in the third month after the Exodus.13) By celebrating the Passover holidays in the spring of every subsequent year, beginning on the fourteenth day at the evening –––––––––––––– 12) According to 1. Kings 6, 1, the year of the Exodus is calculated by adding 480 years to the 4th year of Solomons reign over Israel, which is 961 B.C.E., since he became King in 965 B.C.E., cf. Encyclopaedia Judaica, (1974) vol. 15 at 98; and Ed Metzler, Discovering Mosaistics (N. 1) pp. 66–67 Note ![]() Greek word demo-cracy back into Hebrew yields Ol-am, originally meaning the rule (Ol) of the people (Am); cf. Isaiah 63, 11; Ed Metzler, Western Philosophy (N. 8) p. 18 Note ![]() 13) The Jewish Anno Mundi era, purporting to count the years after the Creation of the World (Beriat ha-Olam) in 3761 B.C.E., is in fact the Exodus Era in cipher, encrypted by adding 2320, standing for the 320 letters on the 2 tablets of the Torah of Moses from the Sinai, by which the ancient ![]() [10]
in the first month of the second year after their liberation, the people of Israel have commemorated their Exodus from Egypt up to the present time, making the Jewish chronology of the Exodus Era the safest in the history of mankind.14) by Idolizing the Tablets of Moses that Prohibit Idol Worship § 6. Over 400 years after its foundation, the ancient Republic of Israel was replaced by an idolatrous monarchy with the ![]() –––––––––––––– 14) See Ed Metzler, Conflict of Laws in the Israelite Dynasty of Egypt, (Herborn 1991) p. 23 Note ![]() biblical Exodus date (1441 B.C.E.) was still defended by the great German orientalist Heinrich Ewald, Geschichte des Volkes Israel, 5 volumes (Göttingen 1843–1855) vol. 1 pp. 560 seq., considering the 480 years of 1. Kings 6, 1 as the safe historical basis for all Hebrew chronology. However, the situation changed with the rise of Egyptology, which has turned into a ![]() to this very day, cf. Richard Lepsius, Die Chronologie der Ägypter, (Berlin 1849) Preface (p. 13): ich . . . die 480 Jahre vom Auszuge bis zum Tempelbaue, gänzlich fallen ließ, thus deleting Israel from the Books of History in the century before Auschwitz: Ed Metzler, Israelite Identity (N. 1) p. 176 Note ![]() [11]
due to the victories of the last generals of the ancient Israelite Republic, who became the first Kings of Israel by marrying into the matriarchal dynasty of Egypt.15) Thereby they established the Israelite (18th) Dynasty of Egypt, also known as the House of King David-Thutmosis I, – while reducing Israel, its land of origin, to the humble status of an Egyptian province, thus resubmitting their people to slavery and idolatry.16) Only after the Republic, for which the tablets stood, was abolished by the first three Kings of Israel, the Tablets of the Law were contra legem deified, and turned into objects of idol worship.17) This –––––––––––––– 15) In consequence of the territorial expansion, the ![]() Olam Republic came to mean the ![]() of King Solomon-Thutmosis II and his successor ![]() 16) The Israelite (18th) dynasty of Egypt was unheard-of before I first mentioned it in my book Discovering Mosaistics, cf. Ed Metzler, Conclict of Laws (N. 14) pp. ![]() ![]() 17) The future development was foreshadowed at the end of the premonarchic period, when, under the Judge ![]() of the Covenant of YaHUH (Yahuweh), the God of the Tzevaot armies, was brought into the camp from Shiloh in the belief that it may save us out of the hand of our enemies, who said, God is come into the camp (1. Samuel 4, 3–7). Yet, the Hebrews lost the battle and the ![]() months later (1. Samuel 6, 1) by their superstitious enemies, who blamed it for the plague, by which they were smitten. [12]
happened when King Solomon-Thutmosis II, a notorious idolater, built a Temple for YaHUH (Yahuweh, alias Jehovah) in Jerusalem.18) § 7. Linguistically Jehovah is a Mondegreen derived from the Hebrew incipit of the Decalogue. After 7 years the temple was finished (1. Kings 6, 37–38), and dedicated by bringing the Ark of the Covenant (Aron Berit YaHUH) into its Holy of Holies.19) There was nothing in the ark save the two stone tablets, which Moses put there –––––––––––––– 18) According to the world-view of King Solomons Empire his reign extended to the four corners of the then-known earth, so that the semantic connotation of Hebrew Olam shifted from the now defunct Republic to the World, and, similarly, was the Exodus Era, counting the years after the foundation of the ancient Republic of Israel, substituted by the ![]() In the age of the prophet Isaiah, who lived around 750 B.C.E., when Rome was founded in 753 B.C.E., which is some 200 years after King Solomon, and some 700 years after the Exodus of the people of Israel from Egypt in 1441 B.C.E., the Olam Republic of Moses and his people (Isaiah 63, 11) seemed already so far away and long ago that Olam adopted the additional meaning of the temporal aspect from times immemorial, forever or Eternity. A remarkable fact for the truthfulness of biblical historiography is the description of King Solomons idolatry in 1. Kings 11, 1-10, which amounts to saying that the origin of Jewish religion is as idolatrous as those of neighboring countries, since the deification of the Mosaical Tablets of the Law in the First Temple was the work of one and the same idolatrous king. 19) Cf. 1. Kings 8, 6. The dedication of the First Temple built by King Solomon in Jerusalem took 14 days (1. Kings 8, 65). [13]
at Mount Horeb in the Sinai after the Exodus of the people of Israel from Egypt (1. Kings 8, 9). By depositing the Ark with the Tablets in the Holy of Holies, King Solomon made gods out of wood and stone.20) Their deification led to perverting the Mosaical Tablets of the Law by idolizing the very same stone that prohibits idol worship, and distorting the 10 lines written by Moses into 10 spoken words of God.21) When deposited in the Holy of Holies of the Temple, the juridical incipit I shall be your Judge, was mistaken as I am Shelby your God.22) § 8. The idolatrous origin of Jewish religion obviously was embarrassing to later generations, as can be seen from the prophet Jeremiah, who –––––––––––––– 20) Neither the acacia wood of the Ark of the Covenant nor the ![]() had any supernatural qualities, which would ensure victory in battle (see above Note ![]() As styrofoam is used today for packing, the spaces between the tablets, and the wood on either side, were filled with the uninscribed ![]() of the Law in order to read their ![]() 21) The divine ![]() Mosaical ![]() 22) The terminus a quo for the divine name YaHUH is [14]
writes (Jeremiah 3, 16): They shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of YaHUH, neither shall it come to mind, neither shall they remember it, neither shall they visit it, neither shall that be done any more.23) According to a Talmudic myth, after the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 586 B.C.E., the Genius of Idolatry emerged from its Holy of Holies like a young fiery lion, letting out a roar, heard over 400 parasangs.24) Hence there has always been an awareness of the close connection between idolatry and the Ark. Even though it was ![]() –––––––––––––– precisely defined in the conversation between God and Moses in Exodus 6, 3, which reads: And I appeared (Vaera) unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name YaHUH (Yahuweh), alias ![]() to them. What is rendered above as God Almighty translates the original El Shaddai, which in my opinion refers to ![]() the god of Fayoum (ancient Egyptian Shedet), whence the people of Israel left on the ![]() from the incipit of the Decalogue, it is clear that this name cannot be prior to Moses, who first inscribed it on the Tablets of the Law. Moreover, the use of this name for the national God of Israel by neighboring countries cannot be older than the deification of the Tablets of the Law in the First Temple, cf. ![]() Rise of ![]() 23) This sounds as if Jeremiah were saying, good riddance, whereas ![]() 24) Cf. Raphael Patai, The Hebrew Goddess, (1967) pp. 23, [15]
and absent in the Holy of Holies of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, the national God of Israel still takes his name from the idolized incipit of the Mosaical Tablets of the Law.25) Worshipping a Human Corpse instead of 2 Stones § 9. Jesus is no God, nor is his mother Mary the Mother of God, although this is the dogma of the Roman-Catholic and Greek-Orthodox churches. –––––––––––––– 24 and 25, Introduction no. 4: The Genius of Idolatry, especially text accompanying Notes 6–8; further Zechariah 5, 8; B. Yoma 69b; and B. Sanhedrin 64a. See also Claus Schedl, Zur Theologie des Alten Testaments, der Göttliche Sprachvorgang in Schöpfung und Geschichte (Wien 1986) pp. 30–34. As I found out in 1983, the original meaning of ![]() the graphic concept of one of the 10 boustrophedon lines of the ploughing bull being driven in alternating writing directions on the Tablets of the Law, cf. Ed Metzler, Discovering Mosaistics (N. 1) p. 74 Note ![]() 25) On the absolute emptiness of the Holy of Holies of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, cf. Josephus Flavius, The Jewish War, Book 5, Chapter V, § 5: No matter whether inaccessible or empty, religious insanity is a collective mental sickness which continues to exist independent of any basis in the world of reality. [16]
Why I call Christianity the perversion of perversion is because it substitutes the deification of the two Mosaical Tablets of the Law, which prohibit idol worship, by the deification of Jesus, a man of flesh and blood.26) In this way, the incarnation of Jesus replaces the law of the Decalogue, and the womb of his mother Mary takes the place of the Ark of the Covenant, the New Testament replaces the Hebrew Bible, and the Christian Era the Jewish Anno Mundi era.27) Hence the Church claims the place of the people of Israel, and its –––––––––––––– 26) Thus one idolatry leads to the next: After idolizing the wood and stone of the ![]() the Law with the Decalogue, the next step was for the Logos to become flesh by the incarnation of Jesus of Nazareth, as Saint John writes at the beginning of his gospel, cf. Claus Schedl, (N. ![]() p. 34: Was Johannes im Prolog zu seinem Evangelium fomulierte, ist nicht griechisches Denken, sondern gestraffte Zusammenfassung des Schöpfungsberichtes der Genesis, and p. 238. The Jewish era of the ![]() as I pointed out ![]() derives from the rule (Ol) of the people (Am), i. e. democracy, the story of creation by the 10 words ( ![]() the foundation of the ancient Republic of Israel by the Decalogue. The etymology of ![]() originally means to drive people, as in Psalms 47, 4, or cattle as in boustrophedon lines of writing, whence the word for speaking in Hebrew. Exodus 20, 1 refers to both the divine speech act, and to the ![]() ![]() 27) The womb of Saint Mary is likened to the new Ark of [17]
anti-Jewish policy, known as replacement theology, is its only creative accomplishment, which is an identity theft of the cultural heritage of Israel, leading to the physical extermination of Jews in the Inquisition and the Holocaust.28) § 10. The Protestant Reformation has had an ambiguous effect with regard to Judaism, and the Hebrew Bible, being the national literature of the people of Israel. While Martin Luther re- fused to give up the Roman-Catholic hocus-pocus of transsubstantiation29) at the 1529 disputation in –––––––––––––– the Covenant or to the Ark of the New Covenant in the ![]() of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is of particular interest during the four weeks of Advent before Christmas, the alleged birth of Jesus of Nazareth, which supposedly started the commonly used Christian Era. However, Herod, the King of ![]() of his birth (St. Matthew chapter 2), died already in ![]() that Jesus must have been born before then, and probably was in 7 B.C.E., if the star of Bethlehem was correctly interpreted by Johannes Kepler as a ![]() generally accepted birthday of Jesus may have been deliberately chosen, because it establishes a numerical relation with the Era of the Exodus and the Decalogue, since it places the beginning of the new era 1441 years after the Exodus and the Decalogue, which is 1+4+4+1=10 or ![]() 28) The ![]() of ![]() ![]() phyicial extermination of 6 million Jews by Germany. 29) Hocus-pocus is sham Latin for ![]() or make-believe in magic change of bread into the ![]() [18]
Marburg with the Swiss reformer ![]() Zürich, Luther also held on to ![]() anti-Semitism and the Christian deicide-lie, which blames the death of Jesus of Nazareth on the Jews, although even the demagogic narration of the gospels reports that Jesus was sentenced to death by a Roman judge, and executed by Roman soldiers by the very Roman crucifixion.30) Thus Lutheran and ![]() their influence on the German national character laid the foundations for the holocaust, whereas Western Protestantism took a different course in ![]() –––––––––––––– 30) On Good Friday, the new German pope should pray for himself and the Romans, ![]() of returning to insulting the Jews in 2008. From the mouth of ![]() Grand Inquisitor this reminds of ![]() to Roman Catholicism, since Ratzinger was the head of the former Inquisition as ![]() Faith. If somebody must take the blame for the so-called ![]() or ![]() 31) In Luthers Wittenberg and Ratzingers ![]() churches stink with the anti-Semitism of their ![]() indoctrinating German Nazi scum for centuries. In ![]() Hitler grew up in ![]() ![]() Ratzinger was born into similar petit-bourgeois conditions, spending his formative years as a teenager in the ![]() followed by his military service in Hitlers army. [19]
§ 11. Christianity is a dormant killer religion, at least as far as the Roman Catholic church is concerned, whose infamous ![]() in Italy until the mid-nineteenth century.32) The Catholic massacre on ![]() in Paris against French Protestantism will never be forgotten, nor will the murder, in 1584, of William of Nassau-Orange, nor will the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588.33) In the light of this history of the Roman Catholic church, which has nothing in common with the teachings of Jesus Christ in the Sermon on the Mount, no self-respecting Protestant Christian will have any dealings with Roman Catholics.34) They are –––––––––––––– 32) The Inquisition, abolished during the French Revolution, was reintroduced in Spain and Italy after Napoléons downfall. As late as 1852, a couple who had converted to Protestantism, were sentenced by the Inquisition to forced labor as galley-slaves. 33) Another futile attempt to recatholicize Western Europe by brute force, that failed already in the Netherlands. 34) Such as joint church services with Roman Catholics, who do not even recognize Protestant churches, as officially stated by the new head of the Inquisition ![]() June 29, 2007, adopted in Plenary Session of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and ratified by the Pope: Those Christian Communities born out of the 16th-century Reformation cannot be called "Churches" in the proper sense. [20]
neither Christians nor a church, but an unbiblical idolatrous cult of Mary, the mother of Jesus of Nazareth, that must be renamed Marianism in contradistinction to Christianity, since it has no basis in the New Testament.35) Fighting the Collective Insanity of Killer Religions § 12. Allah is no God, nor is Mohammed a prophet. Islam is not an innocent illusion, but a serious case in the psychopathology of religions. –––––––––––––– 35) The abominable Marianist cult of our Lady, as practised in Czenstochowa, Poland, Lourdes, France, Fátima, Portugal, and Guadalupe, México, is indispensable to Roman Catholic religion, while it is ![]() the Roman Catholic so-called church is no church at all, because the English word Church (just like German Kirche, and Dutch Kerk) derives from Greek Kyriaké, and refers to the Lord, and not to the idolatrous cult of our Lady. As a ![]() certainly did not learn democracy, nor did he in Hitlers army, nor in the Roman Catholic Church, an undemocratic Monstrosity at the beginning of the 3rd millennium of the common era. So let us remember that Democracy was neither invented in Bavaria nor in Portugal, but in the United States of America by Protestants, whom [21]
It took a herd of Saudi swine, obsessed by the cursed Koran of the false prophet Mohammed, who perished on September 11, 2001 like the pigs possessed with devils in the Gospel according to Saint Matthew (8, 28–32), for America to wake up and face reality.36) Never before has the English-speaking Western World had such an encounter with a killer-religion since the defeat of the Spanish Armada by Sir Francis Drake in 1588.  More than a thousand years earlier, only a century after Mohammed had concocted his ![]() from the worst of Christianity and Judaism, the –––––––––––––– Pope Ratzinger and ![]() No Churches in the proper sense (cf. Note ![]() the megalomaniac world-view of the Roman Catholic killer-religion shared by Islam, there is no room for religious pluralism, which is the basis for pluralistic societies, and Western Democracy. It explains why it is wellnigh impossible to export democratic values to Islamic or Catholic countries, because they lack what we owe to Churches in the proper sense, such as those of the Baptists, the Quakers or the Pilgrim Fathers, who found refuge in America from persecution by the Roman Catholic idol worshippers, who still display iron cages for Anabaptist corpses on the steeple of their church in ![]() ![]() 36) Of the 19 murderers of ![]() from ![]() from Lebanon, worshippers of Satan, whom they call Allah God. [22]
first onslaught of frenzied Mohammedan swine was wiped out in 732 by ![]() Tours and ![]() § 13. The last attempt by Islam on Europe was fended off in 1683 before the gates of Vienna by ![]() the Turks through Hungary back to Belgrade, Serbia, until they had to go home to Asia at the end of World War I, Constantinople and a small area around it being their only hold-over in Europe. All the while England as well as Western Europe, and America never worried about Islam. In England the Glorious Revolution –––––––––––––– 37) For a moment I hesitated to call them swine, but on second thought it seems quite appropriate to express my contempt for an ![]() (5, 60 et passim) speaks of Jews as ![]() its evil message, since the Arab Jewish tribe of the ![]() butchered by Mohammed, until one million Armenian Christians were ![]() to handle the Mohammedan killers and spoilers, and that is to kill them, before they kill you. Thanks to my Frankish ancestors, Europe did not suffer the same fate as Persia, which in 637–44 was conquered by the Arabs, and lost her Aryan identity, that survives only in the name Iran, and in the ![]() of the Parsees in India. Due to the splendid isolation of England on the British Isles, and of her colonies in early America, both never felt threatened by Islam, but must face it now. [23]
of 1688 won, making William of Orange III King of England, and through its Bill of Rights and the philosophy of John Locke laid the foundations for the ![]() Revolution a century later.38) Freedom of religion was first granted to Protestant dissenters, such as Baptists, Quakers, and others, all peaceful and harmless people, who settled in America, and made it a haven of Liberty.39) § 14. Criminal liability of killer religions is a legal problem that must be analyzed for Islam as it was for Roman Catholicism in the –––––––––––––– 38) Soon after the United States of America had gained independence, they were paying ransom for kidnapped sailors to the ![]() to the Barbary Wars, in which Commodore Decatur distinguished himself (1815). Prior to this war, Thomas Jefferson, then ambassador in Paris, tried in vain to negotiate a peace treaty with the envoy of the Pasha of Tripoli to London Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja. When Jefferson inquired of him ![]() pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury, the ambassador of Tripoli replied: It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was ![]() 39) In order to keep it that way, the American legal system should never have allowed mass immigration from Islamic countries, which has changed the face of America in the last 50 years. On [24]
days when John Locke wrote his Letter on Toleration during his Dutch exile, inspired by the revocation of the ![]() 1685 by Louis XIV of France, who bribed James II Stuart for the forced reconversion of England to Roman Catholicism, while the Inquisition raged in Catholic countries.40) Under these circumstances, John Locke was right to deny religious toleration to Roman Catholics as potential traitors, who owe allegiance to a foreign power.  They are not to enjoy the benefit of toleration, because where they have power they . . . deny it to others.41) The –––––––––––––– the contrary, totalitarian ideologies and religions with a ![]() of ![]() upheld by the Constitution, they seek to overthrow. 40) After the Puritan Revolution of Oliver Cromwell, there was no chance of converting England back to Roman Catholicism. During the English Republic or Commonwealth under the Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell, ![]() From 1637–44, ![]() ![]() Dutch Brazil, as Admiral of the Dutch West India Company, where he founded the first ![]() the Jews moved to New Amsterdam, i.e. New York. 41) Quoted from John Locke, A Letter on Toleration or Epistola de Tolerantia, edited by ![]() J. W. Gough, (Oxford 1968) pp. xxxiv, 3–4, 19, and 36. In other words, International ![]() [25]
same nowadays is true for Islam, who makes it a religious duty to force all into submisssion to this infamous killer-religion.42) of the Tablets of the Law: Back to Moses! § 15. Jerusalem is the ![]() idol worship and religious folly, ever since its First Temple, as well as its walls round about were built by King ![]() whom it is named. Let the religious crackpots –––––––––––––– that Jews, Christians, and Buddhists from the United States of America must enjoy the same ![]() Turkey, and other Islamic countries as Saudis and Turks enjoy in America and Europe. We must not let them take advantage of our religious toleration, while they deny it to us. All mosques must be shut, until ![]() Saudi Arabia: Toleration means intolerance to the intolerant! 42) As Voltaire exclaimed, ![]() the infamous one, referring to the Roman Catholic Church and the massacre of ![]() the attacks of September 11, 2001. The Third Barbary War must be fought against Saudi Arabia, whose infamous religion teaches to ![]() [26]
from Mecca and Rome believe their own lies: Never did their false prophet Mohammed set foot into Jerusalem nor ride on horseback to heaven from our Temple Mount.43) Never did a poor Jew from Nazareth arise from the dead in Jerusalem nor did he ![]() heaven nor will any humans live after death, least of all does this religious nonsense grant them title to our Promised Land of Israel.44) The city of David, also known as Zion, after whom Zionism is named, is generally believed to be –––––––––––––– 43) The Arabs invaded Israel only in 634 C.E., and took Jerusalem only in ![]() Empire, while Mohammed had died already in 632 C.E, and Omar was his successor or Caliph, when Jerusalem surrendered. Islam claims to ![]() replace Judaism, and hence introduced a new era, which begins in 622 C.E., i.e. 6+2+2=10 years before Mohammeds death, and thus establishes a similar ![]() as Christianity does. The trouble with the Islamic era is that it cannot even count the number of years correctly. 44) The Koran (17, 104) recognizes Israels Promised Land, which Arab Nazis, such as Hitlers friend ![]() Mufti of Jerusalem, and his kin (Arafat etc.), forget. Life after death is the conditio sine qua non of the Christian and Islamic belief systems, which will collapse without it, whereas Judaism with all of its 613 Commandments (6+1+3=10), recalling the ![]() so-called Commandments of the Decalogue of Moses, does not contain one that requires believing. The ![]() never resurrect to see the criminal folly of their belief. [27]
part of Jerusalems Old City, while it actually is identical with ![]() Full River (Millo) in biblical Hebrew.45) § 16. Instead of Zion, I prefer ![]() capital of the ancient Republic of Israel, also as seat for the modern State of Israel, I prefer Shilonism to Zionism, and to all the rotten splendor of royal idolatry. A Tikkun is needed, an emendation of previous mistakes, when we refused to listen to Samuels solemn protest against the introduction of monarchy.46) Let us return (Teshuvah) back to Moses, and continue where the last Supreme Judge (Shofet) of our –––––––––––––– 45) The characteristic of the river Nile in arid North Africa like the ![]() year-round fulness or Hebrew Millo, whence Nilo, cf. Ed Metzler, Conflict of Laws (N. 14) p. 30 Note ![]() Egypt Misr is also borrowed from Hebrew Mitzrayim and means the land of oppression (Metzarim), where we were slaves before we left in our Exodus from Egypt, see above Note ![]() 46) The prophet Samuel solemnly protested (Haed Taid) against the introduction of monarchy, but the people of Israel refused to listen to him (1. Samuel 8, 9 and 19), see Ed Metzler, Discovering Mosaistics (N. 1) p. 147 Note ![]() Laws (N. 14) p. 32 Note ![]() ![]() King Solomon-Thutmosis II (ca. 950 B.C.E.) is generally misdated in ancient Greek and ![]() in the ![]() ![]() [28]
ancient Republic left off, when the people of Israel decided in favor of monarchy.47) At the beginning of the 3rd millennium (common era), monarchies are a matter of the past, at best a glorious past as in England and Holland, and at worst a sign of a retarded people like the Sowdyism of ![]() ancient Republic has served as an example in modern political theory of Althusius.48) § 17. Back to Moses! This means the historical Moses, the judge, legislator, statesman, and teacher (Moreh) of his Torah teaching –––––––––––––– 47) The quest for the historical Moses must take account of the fact that much of the Hebrew Bible was composed later, and may retroject conditions of the First Temple period backwards to Mosaical times. For instance, the idol worship surrounding the Ark of the Covenant (ha-Aron) is blamed on Aharon, the legendary ancestor of priests in the story of the Golden Calf, even though there is no room for the priesthood of Aharon next to Moses. In Exodus 16, 33, Moses ruled on the ![]() ![]() 48) On Althusius cf. Ed Metzler, Western Philosophy (N. 8) p. 31 Note ![]() as Grand Design, in Daniel Elazar ![]() for Public Affairs. A few years ago, I coined the word ![]() in analogy to rowdyism in order to denote the Arab perfection of religious madness, that ![]() As in the Barbary Wars, this is mainstream Islam, for whom the murderers of 9/11 are good religious boys. We must ![]() killer-religions from the traditional American religions. [29]
from the Sinai.49) But unlike illiterates, such as Jesus and Mohammed, who only talked, without leaving any writings of their own to posterity, Moses wrote his two Tablets of the Law, and must also be credited with the invention of the Original Alphabet as well as the ![]() and sciences.50) Thus I set out, 25 years ago, to reconstruct the Mosaical Tablets of the Law from the well-preserved Decalogue texts, and was able to verify my results, because my reconstruction fits like a glove into the box.51) Besides what –––––––––––––– 49) The Torah, free from all supernatural embellishments, is in keeping with the skepticism of Late Middle Kingdom Egypt in 1441 B.C.E., when the Exodus took place. This is reminiscent of the ![]() David Friedrich ![]() admirable George Eliot, alias ![]() in the arts and crafts, especially in stone masonry and jewelry of 12th-dynasty Egypt, is reflected in the metrological precision of the 2 stone Tablets of Moses from the Sinai. 50) As the Latin saying goes, Verba volant, scipta manent, in particular if inscribed in stone, and handed down to posterity by the ![]() received the Original Alphabet from ![]() the one and only alphabetical order of 22 letters is a distinctive trait of every alphabet in the strict sense, because the number of possible sequences in the arrangement of 22 letters is billions of thousands of billions or the ![]() alphabets in the strict sense derive from one Original Alphabet. 51) The Ark of the Covenant of YaHUH is a box made [30]
I was looking for, I found the Pythagorean geometry of the Ark of the Covenant, and its relevance for ![]() the legendary broken tablets were fractions of the Tablets of the Law.52) § 18. Some of the greatest Jewish minds of the twentieth century have noticed that the 10 Sephirot, which are the central concept of Jewish mysticism known as Kabbalah, bear a great resemblance to the Greek philosophy of Pythagoras. Yet, none of them dared to think that Pythagorean philosophy was borrowed from –––––––––––––– out of acacia wood, for transporting the two stone Tablets of the Law of the Torah of Moses from the Sinai to our Promised Land of Israel. In mid July of 1983, my legal analysis of the Decalogue texts led to the conclusion that the inscription on the 2 Tablets of Moses had ![]() I inferred that each tablet was 10 letter-units wide, 15 letter-units high, and one letter-unit thick. Since the ![]() the 1.5 cubits width of the Ark, I knew I was right. 52) This was a piecemeal process: When I first published the first German edition of the ![]() (N. 5), Herborn 1983, pp. 31 and 51, I was satisfied to know that my textual conclusions were supported by the ![]() of the Ark of the Covenant, see above Note 51. Next I asked why Moses chose these measurements for his Tablets and the Ark, and found that the ![]() 3, 4, and 5 almost 1000 years before ![]() that the ![]() [31]
Israel.53) This leads to the absurd conclusion that the Ten Commandments, the 3D structure of which I discovered in 1983, and proved to contain the later so-called Pythagorean numbers almost 1000 years before Pythagoras, should be borrowed by Moses from Pythagoras, and not vice versa by ancient ![]() as it actually was. This preposterous assumption amounts to ![]() if uttered by Jewish scholars, bears witness to Jewish self-hatred, which some day soon must give way to ![]() –––––––––––––– 53) Cf. Martin Buber, Vom Geist des Judentums, (1st ed. Leipzig 1916) p. 103, who refers to the Sefer Yetzirah as das pythagoreisierende Buch der Schöpfung, i. e. a pythagoreanizing book; Leo Baeck, Aus drei Jahrtausenden, (Tübingen 1958) p. 256 sees an influence of the neo-Platonic philosophy of Proclus on the Sefer Yetzirah; Gershom Scholem, Kabbalah (Jerusalem 1974) p. 27 prefers neo-Pythagorean and Stoic influences. However, none dared to suggest, before I did, that Pythagoreanism derives from ![]() 54) It takes courage to think the unthinkable, to overcome the Jewish Uncle Tom mentality resulting from some 2500 years of foreign oppression since the destruction of the First Temple in Jerusalem: ![]() Pythagoras got all of his theories from the ![]() of Smyrna claimed, and I was able to prove. After the rebirth of the modern State of Israel in 1948, I wonder how long sovereign Jews need to regain sovereignty of the mind. [32] |
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by Dr.
Ewald (Ed) Metzler-Moziani.