Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics, AMMM Vol. I, No. 1
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a Beka would be 5.988 3662 grams, and if it were exactly 6 grams, a cubit would be 44.628 863 cm.9) Hence a Beka is very close to 6 grams, and a Kikar very close to 36 kilograms. § 5. This suggests that the Tablets of the Law in the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies in the Temple of Jerusalem served as prototypes of ancient weights and measures defining the cubit as the width of one tablet, and the Kikar as its weight.10) It would explain why the Bible fre- quently speaks of the holy Shekel, apparently referring to the original standard of weights in the Holy of Holies.11) This hyothesis must be considered correct if the subdivisions of biblical weights and measures conform to the geometry of the tablets and their box, which they do. 9) See TORAH OF THE ALPHABET (N. 1) p. ![]() footnote, where the length of a cubit (= 44.628 863 cm) was calculated, for the first time, from the average weight of a Beka, which is very close to 6 grams (6.03 gm). Of course, this calcu- lation could not have been done before, because the number of 0.15 cubic cubits of one stone tablet was not known, cf. Note 23 infra, and text accompanying Note ![]() 10) Cf. TORAH OF THE ALPHABET (N. 1) pp. 8 and 50. 11) The holy Shekel of the sanctuary or Shekel ha-Kodesh is mentioned in Exodus 30, 13 and 24, also in Exodus 38, 2426 et passim. [7]
the Law and their Box § 6. The rectangular box known as the Ark of the Covenant, and made to measure for trans- porting the stone tablets from the Sinai to Canaan was 2.5 cubits long, 1.5 cubits wide, and 1.5 cubits high (Exodus 37, 1).12) During transportation the tablets were lying flat on the bottom of the box with their length fitting exactly into the width of the box.13) Of course, a rectangular tablet only fits into a rectangular box, if the craftsmen, both the carpenter and the stone-mason, know how to do a right angle with precision, something one 12) The same measurements are found in Exodus 25, 10. The volume of the ark is 15 times 15 (= 225) Omers or about 500 liters, see below Note 23. The height is explained by the fact that the tablets were inscribed on both sides (Exodus 32, 15), and had to be set up within the box when reading them, cf. TORAH OF THE ALPHABET (N. 1) pp. 18 and 51. 13) Cf. TORAH OF THE ALPHABET (N. 1) pp. 51 and 119. This is important proof for checking the correctness of the reconstruction of the Tablets of the Law, because their proportions were gained by alphabetical analysis of the text of the Ten Commandments (see Note 2 supra), and fit like a glove into the known measurements of the Ark of the Covenant. [8]
might expect of the Hebrew slaves, who were construction workers, engineers, and architects led out of Egypt by Moses.14) § 7. That Moses, indeed, had the geometrical know-how to do a right angle with precision, when he hewed the two stone tablets, becomes a certainty, when we check their measurements as to whether they contain the so-called Pytha- gorean numbers 3, 4, and 5.15) This is the case, if the tablets are placed side by side next to 14) The people of Israel were the pyramid builders beginning under pharaoh Zosers minister ![]() Jehoseph, and after their Exodus at the end of the Middle Kingdom (cf. Note ![]() organization of labor, which could also be used for judicial, military, and administrative purposes (see below Note 32), made Israel a people, and the Exodus possible. Joseph (short for Jehoseph) became high priest of Heliopolis On (Genesis 41, 45), and his god El (short for Ayil) was known as Chnum in Egypt, while the name YaHUH was not known before the time of Moses (Exodus 6, 3, cf. Note 29 infra). The last pyramids of the Middle Kingdom in Fayoum (Pithom) were made out of mud bricks mixed with straw, as described in Exodus 1, 14, and 5, 7 seqq., see also Josephus Flavius, Jewish Antiquities II, 9, who speaks of pyramids and irrigation ditches built by Israel, obviously referring to ![]() 15) The squares of 3 and 4 (9 plus 16) are 25, which is 5 times 5, the only instance of whole numbers under ten making up a right triangle. The next such combination is 5, 12, and 13. Knowing the combination 3, 4, and 5 like that of a safe is knowing the secret of the Pythagorean theorem. [9]
each other, because their length is 3 half-cubits, their combined width is ![]() diagonal of the combined rectangle is 5 half-cubits, which is the length of the box. Thus the measure- ments of the tablets and their box anticipate the theorem of Pythagoras by about 900 years, who according to Hermippus of Smyrna owed his theories to the Jews.16) § 8. The geometry of the tablets and their box also provides ![]() a cubit into six equal parts called handbreadths,17) or into ten equal parts, which are the letter-units of the 10 lines (Devarim) of the Ten Command- ments, as I have shown in my book TORAH OF THE ALPHABET (pp. 6 and 8).18) This means 16) Cf. Daniel E. Gershenson, Pythagoras, in the Encyclo- paedia Judaica, vol. 13 (1972) at 1416. Pythagoras lived during the Babylonian Exile, and may have come in contact with Jewish refugees, but the adoption of Israelite culture, especially the alphabet, numbers, and weights, by Greece must have begun already in the golden age of King Solomon and continued for some centuries, see TORAH OF THE ALPHABET (N. 1) pp. 25 and 71. 17) Cf. Bashan (N. 3) at 379. 18) This method simply requires a peace of string, and folding it once or twice in the middle in order to obtain a half-cubit or a quarter-cubit. It implies the basic geometry of the pyramid, which was part of the technical know-how of Moses and his pyramid builders, see above Notes 14 and 15. [10]
that the handbreadth between the tablets, and between them and the front and rear boards of the box (p. 51) as well as the 10 vertical and 15 horizontal lines on the tablets (pp. 101 and 113) could likewise be drawn with precision. Since the tablets are one tenth of a cubit thick, they consist of 150 cubic letter-units of 0.1 cubit each.19) Weights and Measures § 9. The geometrical subdivision of a tablet into 150 cubes is not only the reason why the original text of the Ten Commandments has 320 letters, but also determines the number of 19) Two ![]() at the top and bottom of the Tablets of the Law into ten equal parts, and for drawing the ten vertical lines of the Ten Commandments, which could not be written without them. The ![]() necessity explaining its symbolical meaning, cf. TORAH OF THE ALPHABET (N. 1) pp. 2 and 113. [11]
3000 Shekels in a Kikar.20) If a Kikar is about 36 kilograms, each cube weighs some 240 grams, which are easily divided into 20 Shekel of around 12 grams, 30 Pim of around 8 grams or 40 Beka of around 6 grams.21) This explains why there are 3000 Shekel, 4500 Pim or 6000 Beka in a Kikar, because they are all multiples of the 150 cubes of 0.1 cubit, into which the tablets are broken by applying the rules of basic geometry.22) 20) Since half of the 150 squares of 0.1 cubit on the front and reverse sides of the 2 tablets of Moses were empty spaces between the lines, there was room for 300 letters plus 10 letters on the top edges of the tablets, and another 10 turning-letters between the lines, 320 letters altogether, see TORAH OF THE ALPHABET (N. 1) pp. 101 and 120. Covering an area with a network of squares for drawing pictures or pictographs is an old Egyptian technique. 21) This means that every Beka found in Israel (cf. Note 8 supra) is a more or less exact copy of 1/6000 part of one of the tablets of Moses from the Sinai that used to be in the Holy of Holies of the First Temple in Jerusalem! The weight of one cubic letter-unit of granite (240 grams) is, of course, one thousandth (0.15 : 150 = 0.001 = 0.1³ ) of one cubic cubit of granite (240 kilograms). 22) The granite cubes of some 240 grams or 20 Shekel are obviously meant, when 2. Samuel 14, 26 speaks of 200 Shekel in the stone of the king, which is 10 such stone cubes or one horizontal line of cubic letter-units of one of the Tablets of the Law. The Tzinah mentioned in 1. Kings 10, 16 consists of 600 Shekel or 30 stone cubes, which is three horizontal lines of ten cubic letter-units each or one fifth of one of the Tablets of the Law. [12]
§ 10. The Tablets of the Law may also be broken up ![]() columns, each being one handbreadth wide, one and a half cubits long, and one tenth of a cubit thick.23) One such column of granite weighs about 6 kilograms, and has a volume of some 2.2 liters, which is called an Omer, and probably connected with Omed standing and Amud column from Amad to stand.24) The length of the Omer-column may easily be cut up into ten portions of some 0.22 liters or about 600 grams, which are called Manah 23) These measurements permit, for the first time, to calculate the volume of an Omer from the length of a cubit (0.15 : 6 = 0.025 cubic cubits) or from the weight of a Beka: If the cubit were exactly 44.6 cm, an Omer would be 2.217 9134 liters, and if a Beka were exactly 6 grams and the specific gravity of granite were exactly 2.7, an Omer would be 2.222 2222 liters (= 6 : 2.7), which agrees with the conjectured values based upon archaeological finds, cf. Bashan (N. 3) at 380. 24) Cf. comparative phonetics: The final d changes to r in Spanish Sud and Sur (south), also in Japanese r sometimes sounds like d. Moreover, this would explain the etymology of Amorah (Greek Gomorrha) as being a female column Amudah giving rise to the legend about the pillar of salt, into which Lots wife turned (Genesis 19, 2426). The metamorphosis (Mahpekhah) of Gomorrha is parallelled by the perversion of Sodom into blocks (Sadim or Siddim). [13]
portion in Hebrew or Mina in Latin, and consist of 100 Beka of about 6 grams or two and a half of the cubes of 0.1 cubit.25) § 11. Thus the story of the broken tablets has a metrological root referring to the fractions of biblical weights and measures.26) The stone fragments of the other tablets, which had no writing on them,27) were used in packing the box, because the three empty spaces of one hand- breadth each had to be filled and cushioned by stones wrapped in fleece in order to prevent 25) If the Manah-stone held some 222 cubic centimeters (cf. Note 23 supra), the volume of one of the stone cubes was around 88.9 cubic centimeters, which would be that of a little cup of wine Kis Yayin (Proverbs 23, 31), so that the stone cubes could be called cup-stones Avne Kis (Proverbs 16, 11) in contrast to the bigger Manah-stones (Avne Man). When the Manah became obsolete as a measure of volume (cf. Notes 33 and 35 infra), its use as a weight-stone probably superseded the smaller Even Kis or cup-stone. Of course, a cup like that on the palm of the pharaoh (Genesis 40, 11) is normally called a Kos, and not a Kis. 26) According to Exodus 32, 19 Moses broke the tablets in anger, but it is also written that all weight-stones (Avne Kis) are his work (Proverbs 16, 11). 27) The legend reports that the writing on the first tablets miraculously disappeared, when Moses broke them (TJ Taan. 4; 5, 68 c). In any case, the broken tablets had no writing on them after they were broken, and were still extant more than 800 years after the Exodus from Egypt, when King Josiah hid them together with the Holy Ark, before the First Temple was destroyed (Yoma 52 b). [14]
the Tablets of the Law from sliding sideways and damaging each other.28) A little fleece (Tzin- tzenet) was taken, into which an Omer-column of ten Manah-stones was put, and laid in front of the ![]() (Tzinah) of a sheep (Tzon or Tzoneh) was used for wrapping two stone columns of 15 cubic letter-units each, one of which was placed between the tablets, and the other between the second tablet and the rear board, leaving almost one centimeter for each of the six spaces cushioned by fleece.30) 28) Since the broken tablets were needed for packing the Tablets of the Law within the ark, they travelled wherever the ark went, whenever the people of Israel went to war (Tosef. Sot. 7, 18). 29) The first stone tablet introduces itself, I am YaHUH, cf. TORAH OF THE ALPHABET (N. 1) pp. 18 and 49, see also Exodus 6, 2 and 3. Tzintzenet little fleece is the diminutive of Tzinah fleece (cf. Note 30 infra). When Manah changed its meaning, so did Tzintzenet from a wrapping of Manah-stones to an Omer-pot or basket for grain, see below Note 33. Traces of the original meaning are the word take instead of make, and the diminutive, both of which are more appropriate for a little fleece than a big Omer-pot (Exodus 16, 33). 30) The 30 stone cubes are one fifth of a tablet (cf. Note 22 supra) requiring a bigger fleece (Tzinah) for wrapping, if arranged in two columns, than the little fleece (Tzintzenet) needed for wrapping one column of 10 Manah-stones, which [15]
and after the First Temple § 12. As the word Manah portion indicates, it was originally a measure of volume defined by that of about 600 grams of granite, which contain some 0.22 liters constituting the ![]() grain for one person, when the people of Israel migrated through the desert after the Exodus from Egypt on their way home to Canaan.31) The deci- mal system of the measures of volume correspon- ded to the judicial structure, because judges over tens would distribute an Omer (10 Manah), judges over hundreds an Ephah (10 Omer), and judges are only one sixth of a tablet, see above Notes 23, 25, and 29. Since King Solomon took four times more gold for a Tzinah (600 Shekel) than for a Magen shield, which had three Man (150 Shekel), it was interpreted as a bigger shield (1. Kings 10, 16 and 17). The original meaning occurs in the expression a fleece of snow (Proverbs 25, 13). In foreign trade monetary units of 600 Shekel of silver or 150 Shekel were used (1. Kings 10, 29). 31) Food rationing was introduced in Egypt by Joseph, who established a state monopoly for grain, see Genesis 41 and 47, 1326, also above Note 14. The people of Israel must have carried sufficient supplies of grain with them, because they did not depend for food on the desert people, whose territory they passed on their migration (Numbers 20, 17 and 21, 22). [16]
over thousands a Chomer (10 Ephah) of grain per day.32) Later on, the use of the Manah (short Man) as a measure of volume became obsolete giving rise to the well-known legend, which has a metrological rather than a biological explanation.33) § 13. King Solomon, who began to build the First Temple in the fourth year of his reign (961) and the 480th year after the Exodus (1441),34) used the Manah or Maneh as a weight-stone.35) Since the Kikar is defined by the weight of one of the Tablets of the Law (Luchot ha-Berit) in 32) Cf. Bashan (N. 3) at 380. On the judicial structure see Exodus 18, 21. A Chomer is 2.5 cubic cubits, an Ephah one fourth of a cubic cubit, an Omer one fortieth, and a Manah 1/400, cf. Notes 23 and 25 supra. 33) According to Exodus 16, 31 it was like coriander seed. Since the first syllable of Manah portion can be understood as the interrogative pronoun Mah what? the story has something of a riddle (Exodus 16, 15), which is not unusual in the Bible, cf. Judges 14, 12 and 1. Kings 10, 1. 34) Cf. 1. Kings 6, 1 and TORAH OF THE ALPHABET (N. 1) pp. 14 and 31. 35) See 1. Kings 10, 17, where one Magen shield is defined as having three Man, which is 150 Shekel, as can be seen from 1. Kings 10, 29. The Man consisting of 50 Shekel is also mentioned in Leviticus 27, 3 and in 2. Kings 15, 20. Cf. Bashan (N. 3) at 382 and 383. [17]
the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies in the Temple of Jerusalem, its second syllable Kar must be derived from Karat Berit (to cut or inscribe the Covenant), while the first syllable Ki means approximately like, and refers to the loss of weight due to the inscription.36) Therefore, the Kikar has to be redefined in terms of the stones of the broken tablets, which had no writing on them, either as 5 Tzinah with 30 granite cubes of 0.1 cubit each, or as 6 Tzintzenet with 10 Manah-stones each.37) The weight of such a broken tablet without inscription is not exactly, but only approximately like inscribed, i. e. Ki-kar or quasi-Karat. 36) Cf. Exodus 34, 27 (Karati Berit), and Ruth 2, 17: ke-Ephah about an Ephah. The Kikar, like the cubit (N. 42), the Manah of bread (N. 32), and the cup of wine (N. 25), relates to the human body, because it is the weight that a worker, such as a stevedore can carry when loading a ship. 37) Kikar like inscribed meaning a granite stone of the same size as one of the tablets (Luchot ha-Berit), on which the Covenant is inscribed (Karat Berit), but without the inscription, which would diminish the weight. Since one stone cube (Even Kis) has 20 Shekel, one Tzinah is 600 Shekel, while one Manah-stone has 50 Shekel, so that one Tzintzenet is 500 Shekel. Hence 600 Shekel of gold or silver (above Note 30) equals the weight of all the broken cubic letter-units in the Holy Ark. [18]
§ 14. Since the First Temple was destroyed in 586 B. C. E., the whereabouts of the Tablets of the Law are unknown, as the prophet Jeremiah tells us.38) According to the Talmud the Ark of the Covenant, and the Tablets of the Law as well as the broken tablets were hidden in a cave by King Josiah fearing the destruction of the temple, so that they may still be waiting to be found in a Genizah.39) Although the text of the Ten Commandments, and the measurements of the Ark of the Covenant have been preserved in the Bible,40) their geometry seems to have fallen into oblivion.41) Only after it was forgotten, 38) Cf. Jeremiah 3, 16, see also 2. Maccabeans 2, 18. 39) Cf. Tosef. Sot. 13, 1; j. Shek. 6, 49 c; and Yoma 52 b. 40) Cf. TORAH OF THE ALPHABET (N. 1) p. 17 and supra Note 2. Of course, Jewish tradition has carefully preserved this important text of its most ancient and central document, which was kept in the Holy of Holies in the First Temple, and has come down upon us in two slightly varying versions (Exodus 20, 214, and Deuteronomy 5, 618). This information proved sufficient to reconstruct the Tablets of the Law in the TORAH OF THE ALPHABET (N. 1) p. 119. 41) But the memory lingers on, because geometry, in Hebrew Gematriah, has always remained one of the major subjects of Kabbalah, although it developped into something different, cf. Gershom Scholem, Kabbalah (1974) pp. 337343. Similarly, the Magen David is one of its traditional topics [19]
an additional handbreadth could be added to the cubit, an additional Tzinah of 600 Shekel to the Kikar or an additional ten Shekel to every Mina,42) which is simply nonsense within the system of Mosaical metrology and its geometry. Neighboring Countries § 15. The use of Israelite metrology in neighboring countries is a well-known fact, but almost everybody believes that it was the people of Israel who received their system of weights and measures from one or the other of their (Id. pp. 362368), while its geometry, which is the reason for the symbolical meaning of the hexagram, was forgotten, see above Note ![]() 42) This happened in the days of the Babylonian Exile, as can be seen from the writings of the prophet Ezekiel, cf. Bashan (N. 3) at 379, 382, and 383. That the long cubit of seven handbreadths or about 52.1 cm cannot be the original one is obvious because of human anatomy, for a cubit of around 44.6 cm corresponds to a human being of medium height, whereas a cubit of some 52.1 cm belongs to a giant. [20]
neighbors.43) while it actually is the other way around. Who copied whom can now be proven with mathematical precision after having suc- ceeded in discovering the system of Mosaical metrology, which bears the earmark of its author consisting of the two stone tablets of Moses characterized by their measurements and the specific gravity of granite.44) These hitherto un- known data ![]() Israelite metrology permitting, for the first time, to calculate the volume of an Omer and the weight of a Beka from the length of a cubit, and vice versa.45) § 16. While the Greek talent weighs less than a Kikar, both are divided into 60 Manah (Greek mna), which are subdivided into 100 43) Cf. Bashan (N. 3) at 377, and 382. Whether from Egypt, from pre-Israelite Canaan, or from Mesopotamia, the insistence upon a foreign , non-Israelite origin reflects anti-Jewish prejudice: In an unbiased, scientific discussion the people of Israel should always have been one of the main candidates for the origin of ancient weights and measures as well as the alphabet. 44) See TORAH OF THE ALPHABET (N. 1) p. 50 footnote. 45) Ibid. [21]
Beka (Greek drachma).46) The Hebrew word Manah portion as well as the geometrical method of subdivision implying the theorem of Pythagoras, who reportedly owed his theories (Hebrew Torah) to the Jews, indicate that it was borrowed from Israel together with the alphabet several centuries before the classical Greek period.47) Greeks always claimed to have received their alphabet from Phoenicia, which is Canaan and practically synonymous with Israel 46) Cf. Becher in Pauly-Wissowa, Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, v. Mna. The Euboean talent (Greek talanton scale) introduced by Solon in Athens weighed 26.2 kilograms, but there were different talents in Greece at different times and places. The Golden Fleece of Greek mythology is a literal translation of the Hebrew Tzinah Zahav (cf. Notes 30, and 37 supra), which is the weight of one of the Ten Command- ments, i. e. one Davar line plus the empty space between it and the next line (cf. Note 20 supra), or one tenth of the weight of the two tablets of the law of the Torah of Moses from the Sinai (1200 Beka drachma = 7.2 kilograms). 47) See above Note 16. The transfer of Israelite know-how was a ![]() from the Sinai is an elementary course of general education containing a variety of subjects, such as reading, writing, arithmetic, geometry, weights, and measures, taught with the aid of the first document in alphabetical script the Tablets of the Law in the Ark of the Covenant, cf. TORAH OF THE ALPHABET (N. 1) p. 23, and pp. ![]() [22]
during its golden age under King Solomon.48) Thus, when Herodotus wrote that the Phoeni- cians originally came from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean, he obviously referred to the people of Israel and their Exodus from Egypt, which led through the Red Sea and by Elat on the Red Sea.49) § 17. The northern Canaanite city of Ugarit located on the Mediterranean coast of Syria close to the Turkish border used a Kikar divided into 3000 Shekel,50) and a cuneiform adaptation of the alphabet, which has the same alphabetical order, except for some additional letters, as all 48) Cf. Herodotus, Histories, V, 58. According to Greek mythology Kadmos, the legendary founder of Thebes, was the first Phoenician to bring the alphabet to Greece, and his daughter Ino is connected with the famous gold robbery of the Golden Fleece, which was a treasure of 7.2 kilograms (cf. Note 46 supra). After this monetary unit of Solomonic Israel became obsolete in Greece, it was the source of mythological inspiration. The retranslation of Golden Fleece into modern Hebrew is Gizat Zahav meaning the wool that has been cut (Gazaz), while Tzinah is the skin of a sheep with the wool on it. 49) Cf. Herodotus, Histories, VII, 89; Exodus 15, 4, and Deuteronomy 2, 8. 50) See Claude F. A. Schaeffer, The Cuneiform Texts of Ras ShamraUgarit (London 1939) p. 27. [23]
the other alphabets in the strict sense of the word.51) Like fingerprints both may be used for purposes of identification. But while there are fingerprints of only billions of people on earth, there are billions of thousands of billions (22!) of possibilities of arranging 22 letters in different orders.52) § 18. This means that Ugarit must have imitated Israel, because we know since the dis- covery of the system of Mosaical metrology based on the reconstruction of the two tablets of Moses in my book TORAH OF THE ALPHABET that the number of 3000 Shekel as well as the one and only alphabetical order are distinctively Israelite in every detail.53) Thus a correction of 51) Cf. Cyrus Herzl Gordon, Ugaritic Textbook (Rome 1965) pp. 52 and 53. The so-called Ethiopian alphabet, in spite of its Sinaitic origin, is not an alphabet in the strict sense of the word, because it was never brought into an alphabetical order, see TORAH DES ALPHABETS, Rekonstruktion der 2 Tafeln von Moses im Ur-Alphabet, (N. 1) 2nd German ed. (1984) ISBN 3-924448-30-2 p. 20 footnote. 52) Cf. TORAH OF THE ALPHABET (N. 1) p. 53. 53) Ibid. p. 48. For example, the letters Alef and Bet were placed at the top of the alphabetical order, because they [24]
ancient chronology becomes more imperative than ever: The last two centuries of Ugarit before its final destruction are contemporary with the first two centuries of the Israelite monarchy (ca. 1030830 B. C. E.), and hence also eighteenth-dynasty Egypt is contemporary with both, as Immanuel Velikovsky wrote already in 1952 in his book From Exodus to King Akhnaton.54) are the initials of the first and second lines of the first document in alphabetical script the 2 tablets of Moses from the Sinai. Similarly, the reason for dividing the weight of a tablet (Kikar) into 3000 Shekel is to be found in the geometrical properties of the tablets, which are divided into 150 cubic letter-units by using the Pythagorean numbers 3, 4, and 5. 54) Boycotting this excellent book is a most shameful scandal for the sciences and scientists involved, in particular William F. Albright, whose influence played an important role in suppressing it from academic discussion, cf. Alfred de Grazia, The Velikovsky Affair (German 1979) p. 49. According to Immanuel Velikovsky (Op. cit. supra, chapter 3) e. g. the so-called Queen of Sheba (Malkat Sheba = Malkah Hatsheba) is identical with Hatshepsut, see Josephus Flavius, Jewish Antiquities, VIII, 6, who writes that King Solomons famous visitor was the queen of Egypt and Ethiopia, which places the Exodus at the end of the Middle Kingdom (above Note ![]() [25]
Mosaical Rectangle [KLMN] [The printed graphics were replaced by their equivalents from this website] ![]() measuring 2 cubits by 1.5 and 2.5 cubits dia- gonally, consisting of the 2 tablets of Moses, and anticipating the theorem of Pythagoras by about 900 years. These measurements, of course, represent the so-called Pythagorean numbers 3, 4, and 5 divided by 2, facilitating the division of a cubit into 6 handbreadths (p. 27) and into 10 lines (p. 28), rendering the hexagram as an auxiliary construction (p. 29), and resulting in the ancient system of weights and measures. [26]
Mosaical Pyramid [The printed graphics were replaced by their equivalents from this website] ![]() measuring 2.25 cubits in height and 1.5 at the base, dividing into 3 handbreadths the half-cubit between the 2 tablets of Moses in their box of 2.5 cubits by 1.5. Since there are three half-cubits at the bottom of the pyramid, there are also three equal parts where it cuts the parallel on the other side of the box. [27]
Mosaical Pyramid [The printed graphics were replaced by their equivalents from this website] ![]() measuring 2.5 cubits in height as well as at the base, dividing the cubit at the top edge of one of the 2 tablets of Moses into 10 equal parts. The Mosaical cubit is the space between the elbow and the tip of the middle finger of Moses, which became the prototype of measures telling us how tall he was. [28]
Mosaical Hexagram [The printed graphics were replaced by their equivalents from this website] ![]() drawing 10 lines (Devarim) on the 2 tablets of the law of the Torah of Moses from the Sinai. [29]
Mosaical Fractions [The printed graphics were replaced by their equivalents from this website] ![]() or the broken tablets of Moses consisting of one Omer-column of 10 Manah-stones (500 Shekel) wrapped in a little fleece (Tzintzenet), laid in front of the first tablet [right], and of 2 stone columns of 15 cubes of 0.1 cubit each (600 Shekel) wrapped in a bigger fleece (Tzinah), used as weight-stones as well as for packing the 2 tablets of Moses within their box, leaving almost one centimeter for each of the 6 spaces cushioned by fleece [marked blue]. [30]
Mosaical Hexagram [The printed graphics were replaced by their equivalents from this website] ![]() dividing into 3 Omer-columns the space of half a cubit between the 2 tablets of Moses in their box of 2.5 cubits by 1.5. [31] |
at USA-$ 20. per issue Discovering the System of Mosaical Metrology ![]() ![]() * Discovering the Three-Dimensional Structure of the Ten Commandments ![]() ![]() * Discovering the Two-Dimensional Structure of the Alphabetical Order ![]() ![]() * Discovering the Mosaical Roots of Kabbalah ![]() ![]() * Discovering the Israelite Identity of the Pyramid Builders ![]() ![]() * Conflict of Laws in the Israelite Dynasty of Egypt ![]() ![]() * The Impact of Israel on Western Philosophy ![]() ![]() * The Mosaical Roots of European Musical Theory ![]() ![]() * On Mosaical Matrixes and the Metzler Formula ![]() ![]() * inscription on the Tablets of the Law, and to prove the priority and centrality of Hebrew script in the world history of writing. Bibliographical Quarterly of the ![]() and University Library in Jerusalem, Israel, VOL. 60, NO. 12 (1986) pp. 28788, *304547. * ISBN 3-924448-03-5 |
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by Dr.
Ewald (Ed) Metzler-Moziani.