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Saudi Wahhabism, justifying Genocide of
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Islamic Conference in Malaysia
U.S. Senator Schumer: Saudis are main financiers of terror - Senator Schumer's letter to Ashcroft of Sept. 15.
Why didn't USA investigate,
prosecute, or retaliate against Saudi Arabia after 9/11? - Secret War Against the
Wall Street Journal, Foggy
Bottom's Friends, Why is the State Department so cozy with the Saudis? by J.
Global Jihad, Massive Boston mosque project tied to terror, Link with advocate of
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cannot win the war against terror without attacking Saudi Arabia, the headquarters of the
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and Medina to
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DR. JUR. EWALD (ED) METZLER, JUDGE Master of Comparative
Law The Founder and Father of Mosaistics, being the Scientific Study of the
Law of Moses and Mosaical Antiquity

Herborn, Nassau, Germany
Online Reprint of Ed Metzler, Discovering the System of Mosaical Metrology (Baalschem Press Herborn
[Tablets of the Law][Geometry][The Metzler
Formula][Torah of the Alphabet][Kiddush]

Dr. Jur. Ed Metzler (alias Eliyahu Moziani) reconstructs
Mosaical Tablets of the Law
Table of
Reconstruction of the Inscription on the Tablets of the Law from the
Texts of the Decalogue by a Professional Jurist
In the year 1983, the
Judge Richter a. D. Dr. Jur. Ewald (Ed) Paul
Philipp Metzler (Master of Comparative Law) of Herborn, Germany succeeded in
reconstructing the Mosaical Tablets of the Law, complete and precise to the millimeter, on
account of his discovering the three-dimensional structure of the
Ten Commandments. Thus, he became the founder of what he called Mosaistics, being
the scientific study of the law of Moses and Mosaical antiquity.
Because of the
context of the subject, a series of other discoveries followed: The Mosaical origin of the alphabet, which had already been claimed in
antiquity by Eupolemus, and suspected in modern times by Hubert Grimme, late professor of
Semitic languages at the University of Münster proved correct.
From the
weights and measures of the Tablets of the Law derives the system of Mosaical metrology, and the hitherto unknown systematic
relationship between the biblical measures of length, volume, and weight, which is expressed
by the .
Historical metrology becomes part of the ancient legal history of Israel in so far as the
Mosaical Tablets of the Law set legal standards as well as standards of weights and
Illustration concerning Dr. Ed Metzler's Fayoum Exodus

The graphical details of the Tablets of the Law, which were written boustrophedon in
10 lines of 32 letters each, were rediscovered by Metzler in the Sepher Yetzirah, one of the
most ancient sources of Jewish mysticism known as Kabbalah. Hence it turns out to be a mystification of the
graphical details of the Mosaical Tablets of the Law.
For the history of pre-Socratic philosophy and mathematics, the reconstruction of
the tablets means that the theorems of Pythagoras and Thales of Miletus were already
contained in the geometry of the Tablets of the Law (see
update) of the Torah of Moses, which explains why there
are two of them.
From the very same source, Pythagorean musical
theory and religion of the holiness of the number 10 of the Ten Commandments, or
rather of their 10 lines, the sephirot or spheres and their harmony can be explained. From it
the Mosaical origin of European musical theory is mathematically derived, so that the
etymology of the Muses can, indeed, be traced back to
Moses as a Graeco-Roman deification of the Mosaical arts and sciences.
For general history the reconstruction of the Mosaical Tablets of the Law from the
perspective of legal history means the identity of eighteenth-dynasty Egypt with the house of
David-Thutmosis I, and of the city of David with Thebes. The central legal problem of this
Israelite dynasty of Egypt was the conflict of laws of
matrilineal society with the patriarchal system as to inheritance and succession to the
This is also a forum for Questions and Answers concerning Mosaistics which are of
general interest

- Moziani,
Eliyahu,(pseudonym), Torah of the
or How the Art of Writing was Taught under
the Judges of Israel (1441-1025), Reconstruction of the 2 Tablets of Moses in the Original
Alphabet, second English edition, 1985, ISBN 3-924448-02-7. - Metzler,
Ed, Discovering the System of Mosaical Metrology, 1985, AMMM
(Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics) vol. 1, no. 1, ISBN 3-924448-03-5.
- Metzler,
Ed, Discovering the
Three-Dimensional Structure of the Ten Commandments,
1986, AMMM vol. 1, no. 2, ISBN 3-924448-04-3. - Metzler,
Ed, Discovering the Two-Dimensional Structure of the
Alphabetical Order, 1987, AMMM vol. 1, no. 3, ISBN
3-924448-05-1. - Metzler,
Ed, Discovering the Mosaical Roots of Kabbalah, 1988, AMMM vol. 1,
no. 4, ISBN 3-924448-06-X.
- Metzler,
Ed, Discovering the Israelite Identity of the Pyramid Builders, 1989,
AMMM vol. 1, no. 5, ISBN 3-924448-07-8.
- Metzler,
Ed, Discovering Mosaistics, Introduction to the Scientific Study of the Law of
Moses and Mosaical Antiquity (Mosaistics), with Forewords by the Former Lord High
Chancellor of England, the Rt. Hon. Lord Hailsham of St. Marylebone, KG,
CH, FRS, DCL, and by Prof. Dr. Johann Knobloch, Bonn, plus Introduction,
Epilogue, and Index, 1989, AMMM vol. 1 (complete), ISBN
- Metzler,
Ed, Conflict of Laws in the Israelite Dynasty of Egypt, 1991, AMMM
vol. 2, no. 1, ISBN 3-924448-09-4.
- Metzler,
Ed, The Impact of Israel on
Western Philosophy,
1993, AMMM vol. 2, no. 2, ISBN 3-924448-10-8. - Metzler,
Ed, The Mosaical Roots of European Musical Theory, 1995, AMMM vol.
2, no. 3, ISBN 3-924448-11-6.
- Metzler,
Ed, On Mosaical Matrixes and the , 1997, AMMM vol.
2, no. 4, ISBN 3-924448-12-4.

[Torah of the
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[The Tablets of the Law][Their
Geometry][The Broken Tablets]
[The Origin of the Alphabet][Moses, Muses, Musical Theory and Mosaical Torah]
[][Its Derivation and Application]
[Questions and Answers]

Dr. Jur. Ewald (Ed) Metzler, Master of
Comparative Law, Richter a.D.
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