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Bet-Shean is Bet Shaul

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King Saul was the predecessor of King David and the first King of Israel, as Amenophis I was the predecessor of Thutmosis I and the first pharaoh of the eighteenth or Israelite dynasty of Egypt. Since King David is Thutmosis I, we arrive at the conclusion that King Saul must be Amenophis I, cf. Ed Metzler, Conflict of Laws in the Israelite Dynasty of Egypt (Herborn 1991), pp. 16-18.

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The identity of King Saul with pharaoh Amenophis I is proven by his wife’s name, who is known in Egyptology as Ahhotep, the daughter of Ahmosis I, and in the Bible as Achinoam, the daughter of Achima‘atz (1. Samuel 14, 50), which is absolutely identical, for hotep corresponds to Hebrew no‘am “pleasant”. She is the pharaoh’s daughter who made Saul pharaoh by marriage (Ibid. p. 15).

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Like Julius Caesar and Cleopatra 1000 years later, Saul was the outsider who got a chance to marry into the Egyptian dynasty, after he had been victorious as a general or dictator (Hebrew Nagid) of an old, but dying republic. The last president of the ancient Republic of Israel, the supreme judge Samuel solemnly protested (1. Samuel 8, 9) against the introduction of monarchy, - to no avail.

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If we assume that Samuel knew that King Saul’s wife Achinoam-Ahhotep was the daughter of pharaoh Achima‘atz-Ahmosis I, there is nothing supernatural about his prophecy that Saul’s kingdom would be “torn away” from him, and given to his prospective son-in-law David (1. Samuel 15, 28 and 28, 17), whom he had pomised to give his elder daughter Merab as wife (1. Samuel 18, 17).

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When King Saul broke his promise, David had no choice but to take away his wife Achinoam-Ahhotep from Jezreel, where King Saul lived at Bet-Shean. It is mentioned as Bet Sha’ul, on the topographical lists of Thutmosis III, grandson of the second husband of King Saul’s ex-wife, cf. Ed Metzler, Conflict of Laws
in the Israelite Dynasty of Egypt (Herborn 1991), p. 17 Note 26 and pp. 19-30.

On all of the topographical lists by Egyptian pharaohs of places in Israel, beginning with Thutmosis III, Bet-She’an is never spelled with a final nasal N, but with a final liquid L-sound [always written as R in Egyptian], so that it should be pronounced Bet-She’al, which is the defective spelling of Bet-Sha’ul, the house or castle of King Saul situated on a strategic mountain top at the junction of the Jezreel with the Jordan valley. It was from here that David escaped when Saul tried to kill him (1. Samuel 19, 12), from Jezreel David took away King Saul’s wife Achinoam (1. Samuel 25, 43-44), and it was here where the Philistines came to fight King Saul, and fastened his body to the wall of Bet-She’an (1. Samuel 31, 10).

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P. S.: I’d love to teach Mosaistics at a university, preferably, of course, within the Law School or Faculty of Law; just email me to

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