Alphabetical Order
Hence the palaeography of
the original alphabet is well
within the scope of legal
history, if the Tablets of the
Law hewn and written by
Moses in the Sinai, 3427 years
ago, were the first legal document
in alphabetical script, and the
beginning of alphabetical literature.
This opinion had been expressed
already by professor Hubert
Grimme, an expert
of proto-Sinaitic inscriptions,
in his article on
the "Alphabet" in the
Encyclopaedia Judaica of 1928,
and I was able to
prove it by discovering
the three-dimensional structure of
the Ten Commandmants.3)
the original tablets
of Moses may still
be waiting to be
found in a Genizah, see
Ed Metzler, Mosaical
Metrology (N. 1) p.
19. Reconstructing cultural
phenomena, such as
the original Indo- European
language, is not a new
endeavor in comparative cultural sciences,
and dates back to the
days of Franz Bopp. But,
while there is no
end to reconstructing an
entire language from
the most ancient sources
available, the graphic reconstruction
of the 22 letters in
the original alphabet is a
limited task that was to be accomplished
some day.
3) Cf. Ed
Metzler, Discovering the
Three-Dimensional Structure
of the
Ten Commandments,
(Herborn 1986) p.
7. Thus, the Bible
constitutes the oldest collection
of alphabetical literature that
grew around the
law of the two
tablets of the Torah of
Moses from the Sinai
(Ibid. p. 29). The
correctness of my
reconstruction of the
Mosaical tablets can
be proven by empirical
and mathematical
evidence, because
they were the prototypes
of ancient weights
and measures (Ibid.
pp. 18–23). |