The great
John Amos Comenius has
always been remembered as the last bishop of the Jednota Bratrská, better known as
the Unity of the Bohemian or Moravian Brethren,
the Puritan Protestant Church of Czechoslovakia,
before its conquest by Austria (1618-1648), and centuries of brutal suppression by the
Roman-Catholic church. As such he is a national
symbol of Czech identity.
Since the Brethren have been called pre-Calvin
Calvinists, John Amos was not sent to Wittenberg or some other Lutheran
university, but to Herborn in Nassau where a new Calvinist university had been founded by a brother of William of Orange in 1584, the year of his assassination.
His first publications were printed in Herborn, e. g. his thesis written under Johann Heinrich
Alsted: Problemata Haec Miscellanea, Fretus auxilio & patrocinio
Clarissimi Viri, Dn. M. Henrici Gutberlethi In Inclyto Inclytorum ac Generosiss. Comitum
Nassoviorum Athenæo Herbornensi Logices et
Physices Professoris ordinarii, Præceptoris sui honorandi, publicitùs veritatis
lance pensiculandam studiosis offert Johannes Amos
Marcomanno-Niwniczenus (Herborn, Nassau 1612).
Sylloge Quæstionum
Controversarum è Philosphiæ viridario depromptarum: Pro quarum
veritate Sub Clypio Doctiss. Viri Johannis-Henrici Alstedi,
Philosophiæ in incluto Nassoviorum Lyceo Professoris sollertissimi,
Præceptoris sui charissimi multumque honorandi, in publico philosophantium
acroaterio pugnabit Johannes Amos è Marcomannis
Niwnicenus (Herborn, Nassau
When John Amos Comenius arrived at
the University
of Herborn in Nassau, Germany, he did not yet use this latinization of his fathers
name Komenský (derived from the town Komña), but registered as Joannes Amos Nivnicensis
(after his native village of Nivnice) on 30. March 1611, his real family name being
cf. Milada Blekastad, Comenius (Oslo 1969) pp. 11,
16, 18, 24. While Lutheran and Anglican philosophy shared the neo-scholasticism of
the Roman-Catholic church, Puritan philosophy was
fiercely anti-Aristotelian. Its champion was Petrus Ramus.
Both the pedagogical realism of Comenius, and the
empiricism of Francis Bacon have their roots in
Ramism; cf. Ed Metzler, The Impact of Israel on Western Philosophy (Herborn 1993) pp.
As an outcome of the persecutions, some of the
Brethren preferred adopting Judaism to forced conversion to Catholicism or emigration. Some
Bohemian Jewish families traced their descent to these converted Brethren, among them Brod,
Dub, Jellinek, Kafka, Kuranda, and Pacovsky. The preceding passage has been
quoted from the Encyclopaedia Judaica, on Hussites,
vol. 8 at 1136.
Judge Dr. Jur. Ewald (Ed) Paul Philipp Metzler, Master of
Comparative Law. As a legal scientist, I had the privilege to discover in 1983 in Herborn the 3D structure of the Ten Commandments, and succeeded in reconstructing the
two stone Tablets of the Law of the Torah of Moses from
the Sinai, complete and precise to the millimeter.
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