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Reprinted from Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics (AMMM) vol. 2, no. 4 (1997) p. 5
by courtesy of BAALSCHEM PRESS Verlag,
Bahnhofstr. 19, D-35745 Herborn 1,

The Tablets of the Law
v = volume of one tablet "luach"; a = ammah "cubit" ca. 44.63 cm; b = bat (ephah) ca. 22.2 liters:

Reprinted from Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics (AMMM) vol. 2, no. 4 (1997) p. 27
by courtesy of BAALSCHEM PRESS Verlag,
Bahnhofstr. 19, D-35745 Herborn 1,

The Measurements of the Brazen Sea
(1. Kings 7, 23-26)

Its cubic contents was 2000 Royal Bats (b = bat ca. 22.2 liters), after its destruction erroneously emended in Persian times to read 3000 Royal Bats (2. Chronicles 4, 2-5), which are equivalent to 500 cubic cubits (a = ammah "cubit" ca. 44.63 cm), described as 10 square by 5 cubits in both versions (1. Kings 7, 23 = 2. Chronicles 4, 2):

Reprinted from Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics (AMMM) vol. 2, no. 4 (1997) p. 28
by courtesy of BAALSCHEM PRESS Verlag,
Bahnhofstr. 19, D-35745 Herborn 1,

Reprinted from Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics (AMMM) vol. 2, no. 4 (1997) p. 29
by courtesy of BAALSCHEM PRESS Verlag,
Bahnhofstr. 19, D-35745 Herborn 1,

The Tablets of the Law
in Talmudic Tradition
(Nedarim 38a)

My Result in Cubits

Surface (= s) of one side of one of the
Tablets of the Law of the Torah of Moses:
(t = tefach = handbreadth,
a = ammah = cubit = 6 t)

translated into handbreadths

Reprinted from Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics (AMMM) vol. 2, no. 4 (1997) p. 31
by courtesy of BAALSCHEM PRESS Verlag,
Bahnhofstr. 19, D-35745 Herborn 1,

ABCD = Ark of the Covenant, KLMN = Tablets of the Law, divided in two by line OP, each 2 by 3 half-cubits, hence their diagonals KM and LN (= EF = AB = CD) form Pythagorean triangles of 3 : 4 : 5 half-cubits, the diameters of the circle, the isosceles triangles formed by its radius, and the right triangles within the circle demonstrating theorems ascribed to Thales of Miletus (Exodus 25, 10 = 37, 1).

Reprinted from Archives for Mosaical Metrology and Mosaistics (AMMM) vol. 2, no. 4 (1997) p. 15
by courtesy of BAALSCHEM PRESSVerlag,
Bahnhofstr. 19, D-35745 Herborn 1,

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by Dr. Ewald (Ed) Metzler-Moziani.

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